21.02.2012 We have the pleasure to present you our third edition of the electronic publication “AUDEO.” The content of this issue is dedicated to the connection of the Republic of Macedonia and the interests of monopolies, which is evident and against the constitutional provisions, through the back of the citizens and contrary to their interests.
Recently the showdown of the affair “Telecom” started, which according to what Magyar Telekom agreed with in the USA, from 2005 to 2007 the monopoly of Magyar Telekom was extended and agreed with officials from the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.
The analysis and the conclusions obtained by TI-Macedonia for the actions of relevant authorities in the USA and the Republic of Macedonia are in front of you. The Findings from the analysis that show the scope and manner of coverage on this topic in the media in terms of investigative journalism are also an integral part of this publication.
Additionally, the conclusion that the monopoles want to reach to the most basic needs of the citizens, health and communication, can be also seen in the position of the Health Insurance Fund of Macedonia (HIF), which is yet to be dimensioned with changes in health legislation.
We dare to speak on topics that are of huge importance to the citizens, not always strictly related to corruption or similar activities.
Therefore through AUDEO, we encourage you to join us with your insights and analysis for contributing and improving the system of rule of law.
AUDEO remains open for cooperation.