The Platform of CSOs for fight against corruption held a regular annual meeting on June 7 in Struga, where the following priorities and activities of the network were discussed. This session of the Assembly was also an election where members of the Board of the Platform as well as the Secretariat were elected.
On the Assembly were elected the new members of the Managing Board of the Platform. The members of the following organizations were elected: Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” – Skopje, Macedonian Center for International Cooperation, Center for Civil Communications, Transparency International- Macedonia, Association for Democratic Initiative, Coalition All for Fair Trial Coalition, Metamorphosis and the Center for research and policy making.
The Macedonian Center for International Cooperation was unanimously elected as Secretariat of the Platform for the next three years.
The platform expressed its gratitude to the previous Secretariat, the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” – Skopje, which in the past six years was dedicated to the coordination of the activities and dedicatedly worked to promote the activities of the Platform.
The new Secretariat, in the next three years will work for strengthening of the position of non-governmental actors (CSOs, media and business community) as well as strengthening of the fight against corruption through cooperation with institutions at the central level and the local community. The focus of the Platform will continue to actively advocate for transparency, accountability, responsibility and integrity.
* This meeting has been organized within the project: “EU4 Rule of Law: Citizen Engagement for Public Integrity (CEPI) in the Western Balkans and Turkey” implemented by Transparency International – Macedonia and financed by the European Union and the Government of Switzerland.