Period of implementation: 11 October 2021- 11 October 2022

Donor: Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade

Objectives of the project

The overall objective is to furtherly impact the proper practical implementation of the whistleblowers implementation by providing continuity in the cooperation with the relevant institutions, raising awareness among citizens and update of the interactive web Platform for whistleblowers.

– to establish continuity in the cooperation between the civil society organizations, private entities and relevant state institutions in providing support to the whistleblowers mechanisms

– further alignment of the whistleblowers legislation with the EU acquis

– to raise public awareness regarding the whistleblowers legislation and reporting channels explaining the existing mechanism of protection and providing relevant information for safe reporting and the whistleblower legal protection.


  1. Cooperation with the public institutions and other civil society organizations

– Conducting meetings with the public institutions, CSO’s and private entities – providing communication and collaboration with the relevant institutions for implementation of the Law for protection of whistleblowers, private entities and other CSO’s working in this field.

– Conducting trainings with the persons authorized to receive whistleblowers’ reports in public institutions and other relevant key stakeholders such as CSO’s, media and private entities.

  1. Running online Platform for protection of whistleblowers –

– Whistleblowers reports on the web

– Web site

  1. Monitoring on the implementation of legislation
  2. Raising public awareness and advocacy campaigns on national level

–  Social Media Marketing

– Print and web advertising

– Promotional videos

– Conducting advocacy campaign at the national level


– Closer inter-institutional cooperation for protection of whistleblowers

– Building up of cooperation between CSO’s , private entities and institutions-

– Prepared report for monitoring of the implementation of the whistleblowers legislation with recommendations for improvements

– Advocacy Campaign is established – joint meetings with main stakeholders to advocate and therefore able to work together for effective implementation of the protection whistleblowers and to push for more, especially through face-to-face contact with key decision-makers.

– Continuity for running of the Platform for protection of whistleblowers is provided – TI-Macedonia can communicate directly with citizens so that citizens may have access to the arguments for effective whistleblowers protection. This Platform is serving as a focal point for information about the whistleblowers legislation, experiences, good practices from all around the world, contact information for external and internal disclosure, etc.

– Promotional campaign established- social and printed media will be used for promotion of the project activities. These type of media will be used for sharing of information to the wider public