The 43 points attained are within the average result from all of the countries ranged and demonstrate a serious indicator that Republic of Macedonia should enforce the activities concerning the fight against corruption , especially in the most sensible sectors, like the judiciary and the politics, which should be a guarantee of the democracy and the rule of law , while insuring prerequisites for development and progress.
Governments need to integrate their criteria of anti-corruption in all public decision making. Priorities include better laws on lobbing and political financing making sure of a more transparent public spending and negotiating, along with higher responsibility of the public institutions for the people’. Stated Huguette Label, the president of Transparency International.
In the most of the countries (in the Middle East, Asia and Europe) where the citizens are challenging the leaders to stop corruption –their stagnation or deteriorate position is notable.
In the index of perception of corruption 2012 , Denmark, Finland and New Zealand are sharing the first place with the grade of 90, with the help of an effective accession to information systems and regulations that manage the behavior of officials holding public positions.
Afghanistan , North Korea and Somalia are again on the bottom of the index list. In this countries the deficit of responsible leaderships and effective public institutions, accent the need to take a more decisive tone against corruption.
Transparency International has continuously reminded Europe about the handling with the risks of corruption in the public sector so that it could properly administer the financial crises, willing to enforce the efforts for proving corruption in the public institutions.
This year Transparency International renewed the methodology of the Index of perception 2012 . To reflect the perception of the index of corruption a scale from 0 (highly corrupted) to 100(no corruption) is presented.
Transparency International is a global Non-governmental organization , leader in the fight against corruption.