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Making the Western Balkans safe for whistleblowers

Across the region, Transparency International chapters and partners are supporting courageous whistleblowers who face retaliation for exposing wrongdoing. They are using their cases to advocate for stronger laws and effective enforcement, so citizens in Western Balkans can speak out in safety.   In 2020, Milenko Jovanović, Head of Air Control at Serbia’s Environmental Protection Agency,…

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National Integrity System Assessment: State Commission for Prevention of Corruption

Transparency International-Macedonia prepared the report: “National Integrity System of North Macedonia”, which contains an analysis of the situation with the pillars of the state’s integrity in relation to corruption and the effectiveness of national efforts to deal with corruption. The NIS analysis is prepared within the project “EU4 Rule of Law: Citizen Engagement for Public…

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CORRUPTION BAROMETER FOR MAY 2024 Transparency International Macedonia continues to carry out its regular monthly activities for monitoring cases and activities related to corrupt behavior and the fight against corruption, which we’ve named “Light & Dark” The monitoring of these cases has received significant attention, both in the public sphere and among domestic and foreign…

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Presentation of National Integrity System assessment of Republic of North Macedonia in Delchevo

On May 28, 2024, Transparency International-Macedonia held an event in Delchevo for presentation of the „National Integrity System assessment of Republic of North Macedonia“, which contains an analysis of the situation with the pillars of the state’s integrity in relation to corruption and the effectiveness of national efforts to deal with corruption. The report was…

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