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Solidarity with people of Belarus

A joint statement by Transparency International’s Europe and Central Asia chapters 17.08.2020 Transparency International’s Europe and Central Asia chapters stand in solidarity with the people of Belarus who have been calling for an end of the country’s authoritarian rule following elections widely condemned by the international community for being rigged. Belarus is often referred to…

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Vacation TI Macedonia: Senior Expert Public Administration/Employment Procedures

 30.07.2019 TI Macedonia recently commenced with the project “Vulnerability to Corruption Assessment of the employment policies and procedures, with special focus on nepotism, cronyism and clientelism”, supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherland. For the implementation of the project TI Macedonia is searching for a Senior Expert (10+ experience) in Public Administration and…

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Civil society key to monitoring anti-corruption efforts in Western Balkans

24.07.2018 Civil society plays a central role in monitoring and evaluating the Western Balkans governments’ progress on tackling organized crime and corruption. The non-governmental sector remains isolated, however, as regional governments continue to be hesitant to cooperate. In the Western Balkans, corruption appears to be elite-driven and the business of organized crime is reportedly closely…

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Hungarian Officials Must Extradite Former Macedonian Prime Minister

Joint statement from Transparency International Macedonia and Transparency International Hungary   20.11.2018 Following the issuing of an international warrant for the arrest of former Macedonian Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, Transparency International and its chapters in Macedonia and Hungary, urge Hungarian officials to extradite Gruevski from Hungary, where he is currently seeking asylum in an attempt…

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NGOs Demand Reinstatement of Whistleblowers Lazarevski and Kostovski

Public employees who exposed secret wiretapping under Prime Minister Gruevski deserve justice   22.11.2018 Gjorgji Lazarevski and Zvonko Kostovski, whose heroic disclosure of secret wiretapping led to the resignation of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in 2016, should be promptly reinstated to the public service positions they lost as retaliation, three NGOs demanded today.   Transparency…

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31.10.2018 The Appellate Court Skopje on 01.10.2018 adopted a Decision ТС Ж no. 1795/18 with which the Decision of the Primary Court Veles СТ.111/17 from 09.07.2018, IS ABOLISHED, and the case is returned to the first instance court for further action and decision-making.    The Primary Court Veles with the appealed decision approved the proposed…

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TI Macedonia re-accredited in the global coalition “Transparency International”

13.07.2018 Transparency International – Macedonia gained re-accreditation for the next three years and thus met all criteria to be a full member of the global anti-corruption coalition Transparency International. Transparency International – Macedonia will continue to strive to establish a system of good governance for effective prevention of the fight against corruption. Transparency International is…

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TI-M filed criminal charges for persons involved in the bankruptcy procedure for Feni Industries

25.04.2018  Transparency International – Macedonia is expressing concerns over non-transparency and other numerous irregularities that characterize the Bankruptcy procedure of Feni Industry AD Kavadarci and point to justifiable suspicion of corruptive behavior by the Bankruptcy Trustee and the Judge leading the Bankruptcy case, for which they have filed criminal charges, as well as to other…

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