
The governments should hear the global outcry against corruption

05.12.2012 Skopje/ Berlin – a growing outcry over corrupt governments forced several leaders from office last year, but as the dust has cleared it has become apparent that the levels of birbery, abuse of power and secret dealings are still very high in many countries. The Transparency International index of perception of corruption in 2012 shows that the corruption continues to ravage the societies around the globe.   

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OSCE Mission to Skopje holds regional conference on preventing corruption

SKOPJE, 6 November 2012 – Exchanging best practices among anti-corruption agencies from South Eastern and Eastern Europe on the introduction of systems of integrity in public institutions is the aim of an OSCE-supported regional conference that started in Ohrid today.

During the event, representatives of national public institutions, as well as regional anti-corruption agencies and independent experts from Slovenia, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia will share their countries’ experiences on the application of integrity models and on their policies to prevent corruption.

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World Largest anti corruption conference to be held in Brasilia, 7-10 November

The biennial International Anti-Corruption Conference, now in its 15th edition, will take place from 7 -10 November in Brasilia. Leading experts from across a wide array of disciplines connected to the fight against corruption will discuss in over 50 workshop and plenary sessions how to best take the fight against corruption forward in five key areas: ending impunity, clean climate governance, preventing illicit financial flows, political transitions leading to stable and transparent governments and clean sports. The four-day event will be opened by the President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff

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Rise in prosecutions makes it harder to get away with foreign bribery

Laws forbidding companies from bribing abroad to win contracts or dodge local regulations have resulted in rising prosecutions, anti-corruption group Transparency International said in a new report today.
The report, Exporting Corruption? Country Enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. Progress Report 2012, shows that bribery charges increasingly lead to fines, jail time and reputational damage. With 144 new cases in 2011, the total number of cases prosecuted by 37 major exporters rose from 564 at the end of 2010 to 708 at the end of 2011, with a further 286 investigations ongoing.

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Android app for reporting corruption in Republic of Macedonia now available

Prijavi Korupcija, the most innovative tool helping the citizens in the fight against corruption in Republic of Macedonia, has published its mobile app for Android phones on Macedonian language.
This application allows users to report cases of corruption, which are checked afterwards by the TI-Macedonia team and, as validated, published online at Users can also view reported cases, categorized by reported case type, and by geographic area. This application is the first of its kind in the Balkans, and Europe as well.  All private information supplied by the reporting party is not available to the public.

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There is still no sufficient control for the political financing

Following the announced reports from the State Audit Office and reticence of the Government regarding the publishing of the GRECO report for compliance with the recommendations for Republic of Macedonia adopted on the 56th Plenary Assembly held in March this year, it becomes obvious that there is no necessary political will for effective control over the political financing.
The institutions which have the function to monitor and control, and by their nature should be independent, such as the State Audit Office (SAO), the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption, are engaging in the practice of selective and conscious misinterpretation of the laws.

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Close links between business and government pose risks in Europe

Anti-corruption group Transparency International today warned in a new report that the close relationship between business and government has enabled corruption and undermined economic stability in Europe.
The report highlights the gaps in governance that contributed to the financial and political scandals that dogged nearly every European country in the last year. Transparency International called on lawmakers to make lobbying and campaign finance more transparent.

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