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Project: Combating Illicit Financial Flows

Project: Combating Illicit Financial Flows, “How the Anti Money Laundering Regulations Respect the Data Protection” Project duration: December 1st 2020 – May 31st 2021. Project objective: To provide assessment of the national legal and institutional approximation of each country’s legislation with the 4th (1)  and 5th (2)  European Union AML Directives. This is the first regional…

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Captured states in the Western Balkans and Turkey

Politicians and their networks are controlling their nations’ affairs to profit from corruption with impunity 16.12.2020 A law passed in Albania has given A.N.K Sh.P.K., a company close to the ruling Socialist Party, a hugely overpriced contract for building a 17.2 km road. The construction costs are expected to be almost €300 million, over twice…

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The right to know is crucial in a crisis

 COVID-19 is no reason for restrictions on freedom of information    28.09.2020 This International Right to Know Day, we call on all governments and public authorities to ensure that the ongoing COVID-19 crisis is not a pretext for limiting citizens’ right to information. Legal and practical processes for accessing information should now be restored to…

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Employment in North Macedonia is highly vulnerable to corruption

Presentation of recommendations of the project: “Vulnerability to corruption assessment of the employment policies and procedures, with special focus on nepotism, cronyism and clientelism“   24.09.2020 Legal solutions and bylaws that leave room for discretion in recruiting staff in the public sector, as well as in promoting and rewarding employees, unspecified procedure for selection, accountability…

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Solidarity with people of Belarus

A joint statement by Transparency International’s Europe and Central Asia chapters 17.08.2020 Transparency International’s Europe and Central Asia chapters stand in solidarity with the people of Belarus who have been calling for an end of the country’s authoritarian rule following elections widely condemned by the international community for being rigged. Belarus is often referred to…

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Vacation TI Macedonia: Senior Expert Public Administration/Employment Procedures

 30.07.2019 TI Macedonia recently commenced with the project “Vulnerability to Corruption Assessment of the employment policies and procedures, with special focus on nepotism, cronyism and clientelism”, supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherland. For the implementation of the project TI Macedonia is searching for a Senior Expert (10+ experience) in Public Administration and…

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Civil society key to monitoring anti-corruption efforts in Western Balkans

24.07.2018 Civil society plays a central role in monitoring and evaluating the Western Balkans governments’ progress on tackling organized crime and corruption. The non-governmental sector remains isolated, however, as regional governments continue to be hesitant to cooperate. In the Western Balkans, corruption appears to be elite-driven and the business of organized crime is reportedly closely…

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