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22.05,2013 Andrej Zernovski, the newly elected mayor of Centar, a municipality covering strong center of the Macedonian capital Skopje, announced today that he put Slagana Taseva as head of Commission for auditing
Taseva is former head of State Commission for Preventing Corruption (SCPC) and curently serves as president of Transparency International Macedonia. Dragan Malinovski, also former SCPC head, is member.
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19.04.2013 While there are international treaties to control the sale of goods from dinosaur bones to postage stamps and bananas, there has thus far been no such treaty to control the trade in weapons worldwide. Two-thirds of the largest arms importers and half of the biggest arms exporters in the world have relatively weak anti-corruption controls. Today, the United Nations General Assembly has taken an important step to change this as an overwhelming majority of states voted in favour of the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).
Прочитај повеќе, the most innovative tool helping the citizens in the fight against corruption in Republic of Macedonia, has launched its mobile app for iPhone.
This application allows users to report cases of corruption, which are checked afterwards by the TI-Macedonia team and, as validated, published online at Users can also view reported cases, categorized by reported case type, and by geographic area. This application is the first of its kind in the Balkans, and Europe as well. All private information supplied by the reporting party is not available to the public.
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New index finds that half of countries do not publish their defence budget, or provide only very limited aggregate information
Seventy per cent of countries leave the door open to waste and security threats as they lack the tools to prevent corruption in the defence sector, according to the first ever index measuring how governments prevent and counter corruption in defence, released by Transparency International UK’s Defence and Security Programme. Those with poor controls include two-thirds of the largest arms importers and half of the biggest arms exporters in the world.
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17.01.2013 Annual report on the state of global freedom by Freedom House, shows Balkan countries remain divided into ‘partly free’ and ‘free’, with only Bosnia moving up the table a notch.
The US watchdog Freedom House has ranked Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia “partly free” countries, while Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia are deemed “free”.
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12.10.2012 The State Commission for Prevention of Corruption in cooperation with OSCE and Transparency International Macedonia has conducted a research according to which the education sector , especially the University education is a source of corruption. 55,1% from the citizens respondents consider that there is a major corruption in the country. 56,2% or the biggest part of the respondents consider that the corruption is most present in the universities. This survey shows that the perception of corruption in this country is above the European average.
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06.12.2012 Tetovo, The regional office of the Center for Advocacy and Legal help a part of Transparency international Macedonia in Tetovo on 06.12.2012 organized a round table on the topic ‘Citizens in the fight against corruption’ that took place in the Municipal hall in Tetovo,
Prof.d-r Slagjana Taseva –president of Transparency International Macedonia and the Mayor of the Municipality of Tetovo prof. dr. Sadi Bedzeti addressed the public – citizens from Tetovo and the Tetovo officials.
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07.12.2012 in Skopje, has been organized a conference where representatives of the State anti-corruption commission , NGOs , the Ministry of justice, the private sector and international organizations OSCE and UNDP were gathered together for the first time on the same table ,while celebrating The world anti-corruption day, 9th of December.
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On the occasion of 9th of December the World Anti-corruption day, on 8th of December 2012 TI-Macedonia organized a campaign under the motto “Join the Fight against Corruption– Draw a red line “ . The campaign took place in three cities around Macedonia Skopje, Shtip and Tetovo where TI-Macedonia has its own branches.The campaign in Skopje occurred on locations where there is a huge movement of people, so the action took place on the two pedestrian zones on the ground floor of the City Trade Center-GTC . Citizens, through banners, flayers, conversation with the TI Macedonia staff were informed with our work and activities. Some of them were especially interested in the campaign “ Draw a red line “ and the way of functioning of
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05.12.2012 Skopje/ Berlin – a growing outcry over corrupt governments forced several leaders from office last year, but as the dust has cleared it has become apparent that the levels of birbery, abuse of power and secret dealings are still very high in many countries. The Transparency International index of perception of corruption in 2012 shows that the corruption continues to ravage the societies around the globe.
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